
Travel Packages


Awesome Packages


Online Booking

1. Please book your trip atleast one month in advance in order to avoid any inconveniences associated with late bookings.
2.Whereas an intial deposit will be required for especially overnight tours, payments should be made before departure for the trip.

3.Take note that the minimum number of pupils for the gold packages is 35 pupils while that for the silver package is 60 pupils. The maximum number for both packages is unlimted.Should the number be less than those specified then the rates are subjected to change.
4.The ratio of teacher to pupil has been set to 1:20 for silver package and 1:15 for the Gold package. This means that for every 20 or 15 students depending on the packages we only cater for one teacher. Excessive numbers of teachers are mandated to pay the same amount for a particular package as the pupils.

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